Field Peas

Field peas are used in spring plantings as a source of organic matter and nitrogen, which improve overall soil health. Peas are a modest nitrogen-fixer on vegetable ground, but are the only choice in spring. In late summer, peas can be interseeded with oats to provide ground cover over the winter.
Land Preparation
Prepare a level seedbed free of weeds and clods. Avoid wet spots. Additional fertilizer typically is not required, especially on vegetable land.
Seeding Rate
140 lb/ac or 120 lb/ac plus 20 lb/ac oats or 50 lb/ac plus 100 lb/ac oats plus 30 lb/ac vetch. A combination of peas, hairy vetch, and oats provides ground cover and suppresses weeds throughout the growing season. The peas use the oats as trellises. Vetch grows until frost and provides winter cover.
Seed Cost
2024 price: $0.60 - $0.90/lb for 4010, $1.00 for Austrian Winter
Seeding Dates
March-April. Plant as early as possible with a nurse crop, such as oats. Possibly plant with oats in late summer for winter cover. Nitrogen from the peas will aid the growth of the oats, which will frost kill and give ground cover over the winter. Austrian Winter peas are hardier than 4010, but neither will overwinter reliably in upstate New York.
Time Until Control
With nurse crop-6-8 weeks.
Seed Suppliers
Local farm seed dealers. Trapper is a common field pea variety.
Management Tricks
Plant as early as possible with a nurse crop.Harvest for haylage when nurse grain is in the boot stage.Possibly plant in late Summer as well. Nitrogen from the peas will aid the growth of the Oats, which will frost kill and give ground cover over the winter.
Unavoidable Problems
Weak in wet spots.
Avoidable Problems
Slow to establish, use nurse crop, e.g. oats.
Classic Uses
Nitrogen fixation. Early forage crop.
Mow and incorporate to improve organic matter. Wait 1-2 weeks between incorporation and replanting to prevent nutrient tie-up that results in inhibition of the following crop.
Peas are susceptible to a wide range of root-rot organisms. Avoid a close rotation with another legume crop. An option is to harvest for haylage when the nurse crop is in the boot stage, but most of the nitrogen will be removed.
Management Goal | Planting Time |
Increase Organic Matter | Early Spring |
Nitrogen Fixation | Early Spring |
Reduce Weeds | Early Spring |