Wheat, (Includes Spelt, Triticale)

Wheat and its close relatives are common cover crops in the Northeast. They are winter-hardy and are often found in rotation schedules with vegetable crops to prevent winter soil erosion. These small grains are good for reducing root rot in vegetables. In the spring, wheat, spelt and triticale grow more slowly than rye and are therefore easier to incorporate. Triticale’s primary advantage over wheat and triticale is that it can be sown earlier to produce more fall growth. Spelt’s advantages are that it grows better in low nitrogen soil, is more competitive with weeds in the spring, and heads a week later. In the spring, the decision to take the crop to harvest is an option.
Land Preparation
Prepare a firm, weed-free seedbed. Additional fertilizer is not needed.
Seeding Rate
If you are accustomed to raising small grains, use half the amount the conditions would usually call for. Wheat 70 lb/ac. Spelt 80 lb/ac. Triticale 80 lb/ac. For weed suppression, increase rate by 30%. If broadcasting, increase rate by 30%. If seeding late, increase by 50 to 100%.
Seed Cost
2024 price: $0.30/lb
Seeding Dates
Wheat: Hessian fly-free date (mid-September) to October 1. Spelt: Hessian fly-free date (mid-September) to October 10. Triticale: August 25-September 25. Triticale can be sown before the Hessian fly-free date. Spelt can be sown into October and in cool soil.
Time Until Control
When growth resumes (early May).
Seed Suppliers
Local farm seed dealer. Use quality seed with high germination and no weed seeds. Triticale: Seedway, Lakeview Organic Grain. Named forage varieties (e.g HyOctane, Gainer) can provide a lower C:N.
Management Tricks
Drill if possible. If broadcasting increase the rate by 30%. For weed suppression, increase the rate 30%. Triticale can be seeded before the Hessian fly-free date.
Unavoidable Problems
Excess growth in warm, damp spring.
Classic Uses
Winter cover for spring plow down. Green manure and weed control. Volunteer-wheat cover, interseeded with legume and crucifer in mid-August
Little required, check for gaps in the cover crop and fill in.
For best growth of the subsequent crop, control when the plants are beginning to regrow, at 6 to 8 inches. Glyphosate is effective once day temperatures exceed 50° F, and tillage works before the crown enlarges. For later control, incorporate after boot stage but before flowering (the window is typically one week occurring between May 20 and June 7).
When drilling, spelt can plug narrow, bent, or rough drop tubes. Drill triticale 1 – 1 1/4 inches deep to avoid frost heaving. If there is a lot of fall growth (10 inches or more), matting is reduced by mowing or grazing to 6 inches. Winter wheat can be sown in April, for use as a green manure, to be turned under. Nitrogen tie-up can occur if vegetable crops are planted too soon after incorporation. The best nitrogen value is obtained if the plants are killed before the stems begin to elongate. Early control also makes a better seedbed because the crowns are smaller. Wait 2-3 weeks between incorporation and planting vegetables. If plans change and the crop is to be harvested, apply a springtime nitrogen topdressing at the G3-5 tillering phase12. Also consider overseeding with clover.
Management Goal | Planting Time |
Stabilize Soil Aggregates | Early Autumn |
Winter Erosion Protection | Early Autumn |
Winter Manure Application | Early Autumn |
Increase Organic Matter | Early Autumn |
Nitrogen Scavenging | Early Autumn |
Reduce Root Rot | Early Autumn |
Reduce Weeds | Early Autumn |
Nitrogen Scavenging | Spring |
Reduce Weeds | Spring |
Stabilize Soil Aggregates | Spring |